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Roaring Fork Baptist Church
Gatlinburg, TN

On November 28-29, 2016 a wild fire raged in the mountains of Gatlinburg, TN. When it was over the Roaring Fork Baptist Church sanctuary and family life center were completely destroyed by fire. Early in 2017 the church's pastor contacted Builders for Christ to help and help they did. By early Spring there was a meeting held at the First Baptist Church of Gatlinburg, TN where the local architect and  the Builders for Christ team leaders met and planned to build a new sanctuary and family life center on the existing site. The word spread to all the local television stations and around the country. 


Working in teams of 80 to 300, about 2,000 volunteers built the two buildings. Pastor Kim McCroskey estimates that work saved $1 million, maybe $1.5 million, in labor. Without it he says Roaring Fork may have only had one new building. When Builders for Christ left mid-August, construction was 90 percent complete.

Look at the pictures and experience what each one of the Builders for Christ volunteers did in the summer of 2017.

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